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Delvin Alward honored as the New Fairfield Lions Club's 2024 Ambassador of Sight

Delvin Alward is not only the youngest member of the New Fairfield Lions Club, but he is also one of the most active. Ever since joining the club a few years ago, Devin immediately jumped into volunteering his time and talents to help run many events sponsored by the New Fairfield Lions Club. Most everyone in Town knows Devin as the person that runs and operates his family's business, Yellow Lab Landscaping and Outdoor Construction, but many do not realize all the volunteer work he does behind the scenes for our community. Devin is the person that maintains the Lions Club's trailers and transports all the supplies needed for the Carnival, New Fairfield Day and other major events in town.

This year, Devin was the chairman of the Lions July 4th Parade. Starting back in April, he planned and contacted all previous participants and successfully signed up over 50 groups and organizations to march. The coordination and detail to the line up made this year's July 4th Parade successful. Everyone who attended the parade can attest all the hard work that was involved to put this annual celebration of America's Independence together.

Devin Alward was honored as this year's New Fairfield Lions Club's "Ambassador of Sight" at the club's installation luncheon which took place at Biscotti's Restaurant on Sunday, June 9, 2024. This honor is bestowed upon an individual who volunteers their time and is always willing to "Serve Those In Need" within our community.

Devin enjoys being a Lion and hopes that many other young people in New Fairfield join the club as well. Even though he's a big part of our Lions family, he prefers that our club works to bring in more younger members as himself.

If you are interested in joining Devin in serving our community, visit our new website at: to sign up! We will also have a membership table set up every night during this year's Lions Carnival from Tuesday, July 16 through Saturday, July 20 to visit. If you have any questions or would like more information about "Becoming a New Fairfield Lion", please feel free to email the New Fairfield Lions Club's Membership Chair John Tomaino at:

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